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by Jacob O'Bryant

My Projects

Biff is a web framework for the Clojure programming language. It grew out my work developing various web apps as a solo entrepreneur; Biff ended up getting more traction than any of the products I built with it.

The first release was in 2020, and in 2022 it matured and has been slowly gaining adoption since. I receive/have received sponsorship for Biff from JUXT, Clojurists Together, and various top-notch individuals.

Yakread is a simple, smart reader app. It organizes your newsletters, RSS feeds, and bookmarks into a daily digest email. It also has an algorithmic For You feed that's populated both from your content and from articles that other Yakread users have read.

I worked full-time on Yakread from August 2022 to May 2023, at which point I decided to get a job. I now work on Yakread and my other projects on evenings and weekends, as my kids allow.

The Sample is my most broadly-known project. It's a newsletter recommender: each day it sends you the latest issue from a ~random newsletter; if you like it, you can subscribe to that newsletter in a single click. Newsletters are sourced from submissions.

I worked full-time on The Sample from February 2021 to August 2022. It provides some side income, but it has low long-term retention and as such I was unable to make it grow past its current plateau. Hence Yakread.

Platypub is a Clojure-based static site generator with support for newsletters. I use it to publish this website and the Biff website. It's meant to be very flexible: "themes" are regular programs, not just a collection of HTML templates.

Platypub is in a pre-alpha state. I'd like to polish it off and make it easier for others to use, but realistically, it'll be a while.

I write an occasional newsletter
about my work and ideas.

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